Friday, 1 May 2015

Politics in the Media

Under a week to go until the nation goes to the voting booth. I noted in my previous post what I feel the choice is facing people in this election and this hasn't changed. What has changed and built during the campaign is my disappointment with the media in this country.

Firstly you should understand I was once obsessed with the media, I wanted to work within it and found it a fascinating, powerful and interesting profession. I was taught that the media was the fourth estate, its very purpose was to represent the general public and hold its politicians, businesses and councillors to account. I felt it stood for an important part of a democracy. This has changed with the way the campaign has gone. I don't want to say that it undermines our democracy but we are simply not being given the facts.

Rupert Murdoch is the main antagonist in this story. Owner of almost half of the nations biggest newspapers, it used to be widely accepted that what he reported had a big say in how elections went, this is why we have seen consecutive Conservative and Labour governments pander to his wants. This has changed, or at least partially, given the outcome of the Leveson inquiry and social media. Mr. Murdoch is scared of losing his monopoly.

On the Cusp of Change

Now I say this has changed only partially because there is only one person in this election willing to see this change in the landscape. Ed Miliband is the first leading politician to stand up to this monopoly of the media and has earned so much respect from me for doing so. Ed has committed to fulfilling the Leveson recommendations and has said that plurality of ownership is vital, signalling to Murdoch his newspapers won't all last. Ed clearly also much sense that newspapers are losing their power and public sway to social media, in particular I feel to twitter, which has allowed Ed to have this chance to 'have a go' at Murdoch.

His actions have seen Ed become 'Red Ed' 'inept' 'backstabber' and 'irresponsible' because of this stance. The Tory party, who have courted Rebecca Brookes, Andy Coulson and Rupert himself, have benefitted and remain in the pocket of those rich media 'moguls'. David Cameron has unsurprisingly ignored the Leveson inquiry, employed the convicted phone tapper Andy Coulson and had numerous dinners with Rebecca Brookes, all so that he can remain the slick, well oiled, media luvvy.

The Treatment of Ed

This has consequently led to massively biased and basically falsified reports about policies or polls. It has led to the under-reporting of falsified letters of support from businesses, identity fraud by the Conservative chairman, Labour poll leads and the ridiculing of Labour policies no matter the support in public or in respected circles. It is massively skewing the public view of politics, not giving the public all the facts and I hesitate to say it but letting democracy down.

It is to Ed's credit that he has poll leads, despite fighting against this massive media bias. The debates have been massively successful, allowing the public to see the real person and not the media perception of him. I wonder whether the polls we see, might just be for the first time unreliable, given the importance of social media which might arguably be more representative of the nation that the newspapers. A sorry sentence to say.

The media used to be my dream job but this election has really shown, not just to me I must add, the flaws and disgraces of our media system. Only time will tell if we see real change in this issue and many others by electing a Labour government and a leader who stands up to people rather than uses them for selfish reasons.

To my right is a video from Newsnight when the Daily Mail claimed Ed Miliband's father HATED Britain. No better example of what I am talking about.

P.S. I am a huge fan of George The Poet, he is backing an idea of posting your own 15 second manifesto to show the most important issue or issues affecting you this election. I would love to hear what your views are.