Monday, 15 June 2015

If I Were In Charge.......

The election was a difficult time, obviously the result didn't go the way I expected or many people expected this was swiftly followed by colds and stresses around work. Hence the lack of action on the keyboard. I'm back though and I thought a nice idea might be to discuss how you might run the country if you were in charge.

Naturally I don't agree with how things are being run at the moment, I won't go in to detail but asking for economical growth while choking supply and magically producing money for the NHS and other election promises aren't my idea of good government. If I were PM I would have three priorities, education, wealth distribution and a reminder of how democracy works.

How Democracy Works

I want to start with my last point first because I think this is where the country has disappointed me most with this election result. Democracy should be about supporting one another, in the form of the NHS, Welfare state and pensions, this is what we pay taxes for. I believe that the wealthiest should share the biggest burden and show empathy and support for those unfortunate people striving to get on. Jeremy Corbyn put it perfectly recently, "From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs."

The first 5 years of Conservative led Government exemplified anything but this, removal of safety nets for those struggling to make ends meet, disabled, young people and unemployed. George the Poet in 'Search Party' put it eloquently, "I don't believe the unemployed are nul-en-void." While those at the bottom and the squeezed middle have been almost punished, those at the top have gotten richer and have benefitted from tax evasion, zero hour contracts and asset sell off from George Osborne. This government has encouraged greed, selfishness and uncaring attitudes, which is why I felt so disappointed in the election result reflecting this in society.

Therefore, if I were Prime Minister, I would almost re-educate in how democracy should work and promote a happier, more equal and supportive society.

Wealth Distribution

This area follows on nicely from my previous, I feel there is a growing inequality not only in Britain but in the world and this has only been widened, in the UK, by this Conservative government. This area of inequality is why I remain such a big supporter of Ed Miliband, he seems the only politician aware of this growing problem. Immigrants are escaping dire poverty in Middle Eastern and African countries, risking theirs lives to reach Europe. More than a million people use food banks in the UK. Greece is being punished by austerity with over 60% youth unemployment. The world needs to look at itself and ask if it is happy with things.

This links to the ethos this country is showing at the moment, greed appears to be thriving, Osborne looks set to take more from the poor to give to the rich in the next Budget. Instead of crushing more from the impossibly squeezed welfare and public state, we should be spending to get people out of poverty and rescue children who come to school without a breakfast. Foreign aid should be increased and spent effectively so that people there don't feel desperate to escape to a "better life" in Europe. This money should come from those who have the wealth, "from each according to their abilities."


Education cuts to the root of both the issues above. Give children a relatable, useful and creative education which would allow future generations to recognise these issues and slowly target them. Teach children proper skills so that they can make a decent living wage and bring more out of poverty. Teach children the need to build a world together, not just make what they can for themselves and neglect others.

Once again I don't feel this is being done by the current government. Assessment of children has been botched in the new curriculum, schools are free to make up their own assessment gauge and children are being tested more than ever. This testing leads to purely memorising of facts, information to pass a test, information that does not serve a purpose for life outside or after school. Creativity is being slowly supressed within education, targets, results and work is more important.

There is a lot I would change about the country but I think these three issues are the keys. Give children a decent education, to make a decent wage, to lower the amount of people in poverty and to truly appreciate the responsibilities of being in a democracy. I don't see any of this on the horizon sadly.

What would your priorities be if you were Prime Minister?